Spelman Student Government Association




Spelman Student Government Association

Minutes from November 4, 2002 Meeting

I. President’s Report

            1. Brown Middle School Service Project

                            a. Workshop on "Integrity" possibly held on

                                 November 20, 2002.

                             b. SGA decided to do monthly workshops along with

                                 Brown Middle School, as opposed to mentoring.

            2. Student Government Association Conducts Survey

                              a. Public Opinion Poll on Tuesday and Wednesday

                                  table outside of cafeteria from 11:30 til 2:00p.m.

II. Vice-President’s Report

            1. Assignments for SGA Research

                               a. All members are to have constitutions from respective                                      school for next SGA meeting. Also, have contact person.

                                b. Next meeting, we will proceed with investigations.

           2. General Update

                                a. Next House meeting on November 12, 2002.

III. Treasurer’s Report

            1. Distribution of updated budget per SGA member

IV. Secretary’s Report

             1. Distribution of SGA discs for each member.

             2. Check with Morehouse SGA - meeting next Monday, November 11, 2002 at 7:00p.m.

             3. Discuss Office Clean-up with E. Joyce

V. Parliamentarian’s Report

              1. Market Friday, November 8, 2002, sponsored by NAACP

              2. Constitution Revision Committee consisting of interested Spelman students.

                  Meeting, November 13, 2002.

VI. Social Chair’s Report

              1. Blood Drive - November 6, 2002 - 12:00p.m. til 5:00p.m. (I signed up for Wednesday

             at 11:00)

              2. Romantic Interlude is in its planning period. Danielle asks for suggestions.

V. No Report for Publicity Chair

VII. Class Representatives’ Reports

               1. Freshman Class

                               a. Halloween Party a success! The Freshman Class also made a great profit from from                           the party.      

               2. Sophomore Class

                               a. Sophomore Week is next week

                               b. Discussion of week’s events

                 3. Junior Class

                                a. Junior Week next week

                                b. Discussion of week’s events

                                c. Thursday, November 7, 2002 - Faculty Meeting

                 4. Senior Class

                                a. Senior Pictures: Nov. 12 - 22, 2002.

                                b. Sitting fee: $20.00

                                c. Herbb Jones will be on campus, Nov. 13-15, 2002 to take orders for senior rings.